Odoo image and text block


Technical Guidelines

1.        2 groups will be merged to form a Team. Example Team A (G1 + G2) Team B (G3 + G4).  This will be done thru drawlots.  

2.        The competition will be a  best of three series game. First team to win two games will be declared as Champions.

3.        Each game will be divided in 4 Quarters. Each Quarter will have 10 minutes continues time and will only stop during time-outs, out of bounds (dead ball) and free throws. Each team is entitled of one minute time-out per quarter. There will be a three minute break after each quarter.

4.        Player substitutions can only be made during time-outs, dead ball and free throws.

5.        Each field goal within the 3-point line will be two points while field goal beyond the 3-point line will be three points.

6.        The team with the highest score will be declared as the winner.

7.        In case the scores are tied, the game will proceed in five minute Overtime (OT) period and will go on until the scores are no longer equal.

8.        Free throws will only be awarded upon the discretion of referees.

9.        Official Referees are Dennis Rival and Richmond Gallo.

    Game Schedule

Game 1 – March 20, 2020 @ Brgy. Bel-Air Basketball Court

Game 2 – June 06, 2020 @ Sureshot Sports Ville

Game 3  (if necessary) -  June 06, 2020 @ Sureshot Sports Ville


Vergel Ej George Bryan
Rj Elmer Glenn Wilson
Totie Arcy Emil Skip
Owen Rhyan Jason Deejay
Odoo image and text block


Technical Guidelines


  • Competition will be mixed doubles. 

  • A player must wait until his opponent is ready before serving. If the opponent attempts a return then he is ruled having been ready.

  • The feet of both players must remain in a stationary position until the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching the line at this time.

  • It is not a fault if you miss the shuttle while serving.

  • The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket.

  • A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a downward stroke by his opponent or to interfere with his racket.


  • The shuttle, at the instant of being hit is higher than the servers waist or the head of the racket is higher than the servers racket hand.

  • The shuttle does not land in the correct service court.

  • The server's feet are not in the service court or if the feet of the receiver are not in the court diagonally opposite the server.

  • The server steps forward as he/she serves.

  • Any player balking or feinting his opponent before serve or during serve.

  • A serve or shot that lands outside the court boundaries, passes under or through the net, touches any other obstructions or a players body or clothing. The boundary and service lines are considered in play.

  • The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the striker's side of the net. You may follow through over the net.

  • A player touching the net or its supports with his body or racket while the shuttle is in play.

  • Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.

Scoring System

  • A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.

  • Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.

  • The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.

  • At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.

  • At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.

  • The side winning a game serves first in the next game.

Interval and Change of Ends

  • A 1 minute interval between each game is allowed.
    In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.


  • A side has only one ‘set’.

  • The service passes consecutively to the players as shown in the diagram.

  • At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.

  • If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.

  • If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.

      The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.

       If players commit an error in the service court, the error is corrected when the mistake is discovered. In a doubles match between A & B against C & D.  A & B won the toss and decided to serve. A to serve to C. A shall be the initial server while C shall be the initial receiver.

    Game Schedule

Game 1 – May 8, 2020 @ Powersmash

Game 2 – May 22, 2020 @ Powersmash

Game 3   -  June 06, 2020 @ Sureshot Sports Ville


Jass Dennis Nobel Kheena
Corren Shella Glenn Mitch (Designer)
Totie Arcy Karen Skip
Marshal May Jason Gilbert
Ferlita Jethro
Odoo image and text block


Technical Guidelines

Numbers in Play

  • All the numbers are in play, but some receive greater use than others. the 19 and 20, for instance are used extensively for scoring points since they are the highest numbers on the board.  All the numbers may be used to throw the necessary doubles in the game.

  • Each player starts with 301 points.  The goal for each player is to reach zero, exactly by subtracting the amount they score in a turn from the amount they had left from the previous turn.

    Game Schedule

Game 1 – March 27, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck

Game 2 – April 3, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck

Game 3   -  May 15, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck


Tina Arcy JC CDC
Vergel May Rommer Greg
Odoo image and text block


Technical Guidelines

1.       Tournament Rules

a.        Touch and move rule has to be strictly followed.  If a player touches one of their own pieces then he must move that piece, it is a legal move.  If a player touches a piece of that of the opponent, then capturing that piece is a must.  If you let go of a piece, you have to leave it there.  Players who wish to touch a piece only to adjust it on the chessboard must first announce the intention, usually by saying “adjust”.  Chess pieces and chess boards must not be touched except the gameplay.

b.       Chess shall be played as a team and individual competition in standard.  Each team shall be composed of two (2) players.

c.        Use of chess clock is compulsory.

d.       Players and spectators are not allowed to make post-game analysis, play against other spectators, players or discuss finished or unfinished games within the playing area.

e.        Players are not allowed to eat inside the playing area while the game is in progress.

f.         Players who have finished their games shall arrange the chess pieces and vacate the playing area after signing their score sheet and submit it to designated officials.

2.       Rules and Regulations

a.        Time control shall be one (1) hour.

b.       Illegal moves

                                                               i.       Wrong movement of piece;

                                                             ii.       Exposing one’s own king to attack;

                                                            iii.       Capturing the opponent’s king;

                                                           iv.       Using two hands in making a move;

                                                             v.       Non-replacement of piece after pawn promotion;

                                                           vi.       And pressing the clock without making a move.

c.        Penalties

                                                               i.       1 st offense           oral warning

                                                             ii.       2 nd offense          loss of the game

d.       Infringement: infringements made by a player such as displacement of pieces on the chess board, use of excessive force in pressing the clock shall be penalized as follows:

                                                               i.       1 st and 2 nd offense           oral warning

                                                             ii.       3 rd offense                          oral warning

                                                            iii.       4 th offense                          loss of the game

e.        The defaulting time is 30 minutes after the official start of each game.  The clock shown in the TV inside the playing area shall be official clock during the tournament.

f.         Game points scoring system:  A player is credited 10 points for a win, 5 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.

g.        For tie breaks, greater number of victories (forfeit counted) will be adopted.  However, a sudden death match shall be played to resolve the tie of ties still occurs.

3.       Tournament Officials

a.        Tournament Manager – Marshal Villalino and Glenn Balaguer

b.       Tournament Chief Arbiter – May Balsicas

4.       Irregularities and Penalties

a.        Mobile phones and other means of electronic communications is strictly prohibited inside the playing area.  A player who will violate this rule shall LOSE his/her game.

b.       A team whose member is giving unsolicited advice or assistance to his teammate while the games are in progress shall lose their match.

    Game Schedule

Game 1 – March 27, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck

Game 2 – April 3, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck

Game 3   -  May 15, 2020 @ GA Roof Deck


Corren Ej Glenn CDC
Totie Arcy Rommer  
Odoo image and text block


Technical Guidelines

Teams consist of five players with no gender rule in place.



    Game Schedule

Game 1 – June 6, 2020 @ Sureshots
